You are here: ex fide fortis picture gallery > Padis


by Mihai Chintoanu

Showing 1-10 of 10

mi-080712-pa-008 mi-080712-pa-008
mi-080712-pa-024 mi-080712-pa-024
mi-080712-pa-029 mi-080712-pa-029
mi-080712-pa-036 mi-080712-pa-036
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mi-080712-pa-051 mi-080712-pa-051
mi-080712-pa-057 mi-080712-pa-057
mi-080712-pa-059 mi-080712-pa-059

Showing 1-10 of 10

A one day trip through Padis... we missed the predetermined course and ended up seeing these beautiful places instead.
12 July 2008
mihai dot chintoanu at exfidefortis dot net
Mihai Chintoanu
4714 times

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